Shawn at Taiwan

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day 4: Origins and Civilization

Day 4: 28th Dec 2007

It's jun's birthday, and we headed to National Palace Musuem (國立故宮博物院). Is a place that speaks about everything on China's civilization. And I got this liking for the Tang's dynasty corner for some undefined reasons. It was located at 221 Chih-shan Rd., Sec. 2; Shih-lin. We took the train to Shilin station followed by taking Bus 255. Other buses includes 304, 18 and 19. The entry fee was 160NT but 80NT for students. I didn't bring my student card, so boooo. Haha. Anyway, it was a majestic building to visit.

I was trying to act studious with a book on the museum.

Us. The photographer owns a semi-pro camera btw.

Me again.

Jun and I at the entrance.

HongKiat and I.

We got ourselves some simple lunch and nice milk teas from the nearby 7-11 before heading towards Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, which is within walking distance. It was a museum about the the 13 different aborigins from Taiwan. Haha, and from there, I discovered that 阿美族 is not at Alishan but Hualien.


He's from 阿美族!

I'm from 鄒族!

We left the place around 4pm, had dinner at 快乐鸡 and went back to 南京东路 coz we need to get our bags and HongKiat need to buy some boxer shorts. Haha, but in the end, he didn't managed to get any from there while I bought many books from the local bookstore. LoL.

Went to K mall to shop for HK's boxers before heading to Mac for a coffee as well as to wait for MeiHua and Weiting, who came four days later. Taipei's Macs is kindda kewl, and there was this chio bu siting besides us! Haha. That night was super cold, coz there was 寒风.

In the end, Meihua and Weiting turned up rather prepared. With thick thick gloves and scarfs. Haha, seriously though I got a thick layer of fats as insulator, I was duper cold too. So we bought gloves and scarfs from the 路边摊. 500NT for 5 pair of gloves, another 500NT for 3 scarfs. Damn cheap, not very good quality but enough to tahan the coldness. Haha, headed to Guoguang Bus Terminal to take the coach to Alishan. It was a bus trip that made me cry a little.

Meihua, Weiting and HongKiat were sleeping soundly. While I had a motivational chat with Jun who was siting behind me. The talk was a bit saddening, but yet so close to the heart. With the icy cold as an add-on factor, I think I dropped a tear. Booo. Shawn can get rather emotional u see. Haha. The clock striked midnight, and I made a birthday wish secretly. And thanks Meihua the butt and Ting the neighbour who bought a muffin for me and jun for our birthdays. It was very much appreciated. At 3am the next morning, we reached Chia Yi.

A turning point of life.

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